Nomadict Editing Contest

Recently, I submitted images for an editing contest from a magazine called “Nomadict” Here is the story I wrote for the publication, which can also be found here.

“My passion for photography and travel began at day 1. I was named after my great aunt, Marylee Davey, who was one of the first women to grace the cover of sports illustrated for her climb up the Matterhorn in Switzerland. My entire life, I always admired her and wanted to live up to my name. 


My mom has also deeply inspired me, as she was an avid hiker and mountaineer. Growing up in a small mountain town in Washington, I was always outdoors exploring and going on hikes with her, developing a strong connection to the outdoors. I picked up my first camera in high school, where I learned to shoot film and eventually I got more into digital photography, combining my two passions. 

When my mom passed away suddenly in 2016, my world was turned upside down and it forced me to reevaluate my life. I decided that I didn't want to look back, feeling as though I wasn’t embracing every moment for all its worth. So I decided I would cut all the negativity from my life, and just focus on what I love the most: travel and photography. 

Since then, I’ve invested in new camera equipment, and have traveled to several countries (including a visit to the Matterhorn!) on a quest to take all the same hikes my mom once did, spreading her ashes along the way and documenting my experiences to share with others. Life is way too precious not to spend your time doing what you love.”